Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Welcome to the New World.

I'm talking technology, I'm talking networking, I'm talking Social Media. I swear I'm in love. It brings the connectivity of everything I'm interested in and delivers it to my front door. With so many different applications, sites and ways to connect, if you're not online, you're not in the loop. So get a move on and join our social expansion, bringing technology into the lives of the people in very simple and interesting ways.

It's amazing how even some of these networking sites have enabled a past generation the access to communicate with the new generation on the same playing field. Could you have imagined this 20 yrs ago? how about 10? Me either, but it's here and it's continuing to grow.

Companies around the world are also jumping on board this phenomena. Searching the "chatter" is key for businesses trying to utilize the networking sites mass appeal and community driven user-generated content.

Every industry now has a lot of influence now amongst their consumers, it's just all about how you create your image in the eye of the public (who is now everywhere and can see,hear and read about everything) and how you manage you relationships through these different channels.

Bottom line this is an exciting time for everyone. Both the capable and incapable, of writing a letter or typing an email. For Instance, on Twitter you are limited to 140 characters to get your message across. Which means make it short and sweet, but at the same time get it in their face and to the point.

Enough of my rant... happy networking!

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